ADATA AiR – Artist-in-Residence Programme / NATURA STATICA (29 Sept. -20 Nov.)

"Natura Statica"
Temporary installation in public space

Location: Northern shore of Maritsa river, on the alley between the bridges of Pobeda bld. and Vasil Aprilov bld.

Opening: 29 Sept., Sunday, at 4:30 pm, with an introduction by the artist

The installation is meant to stand as a playful and visually attractive space, where visitors can get lost in the labyrinth like interior. The rich floral motifs on the different types of curtains connect the feeling of home with the forms of nature, thus creating a bond between the natural and the human made. The translucent textiles mark the thin border between private and public, interior and exterior, large and small space.

Kopacz Kund is a Bucharest based interdisciplinary artist working with sculpture, installation, photo and video based art, either in natural environments, or recently in the studio. He has studied nature and land art at the Eszterházy Károly University, Visual Art Department in Eger, Hungary and at the University of Art and Design in Cluj, Romania.
His main topics are the relationship between Nature and human, the notion of landscape and the concept of the Anthropocene.


© Rosina Pencheva / studio PUNKT

"Natura Statica" is produced within the ADATA artist-in-residence programme of Plovdiv - European Capital of Culture 2019.

From the end of July 2019 to the beginning of November the riverside areas in Plovdiv will be an epicenter for the realization of artistic interventions in the urban environment. The projects were selected on the basis of the proposals received from the artists who participated in the ADATA AiR programme in 2018. Their proposals were developed as a result of artistic residences in Plovdiv supported by Plovdiv 2019 Foundation in the first stage of the programme.

Follow details here:

18 artistic projects are to be realized within the ADATA AiR Programme in 2019:

Serge Ecker (Luxemburg), together with Alexandra Dimitrova (Bulgaria)

Mila Panic (Bosnia / Germany)
Ari-Pekka Leinonen (Finland) and Bert Jacobs (Belgium)
Marta Jarabo (Spain)
Sophie Innmann and Stephan Wäldele (Germany)

Destructive Creation 
Jens & Morten (Denmark), supported by Aurhus 2017
Kamila Szejnoch (Poland)
Кopacz Kund (Romania)
Alin Tanasa (Romania)
Mila Chorbadzhieva and Adriaan de Man (Bulgaria /The Netherlands)
Matej Frank (The Czech Republic / Poland)
the offseter (The Netherlands)
An Exchange Artist-in-Residence from PLANTS AiR program (Novi Sad ECoC 2021)

Yana Lozeva (Bulgaria)
ATOM theatre (Bulgaria)
Katharina Swoboda and Kamen Stoyanov (Austria / Bulgaria)
Matthias Garff (Germany) 

The artist-in-residence programme ADATA AiR is focusing the urban landscape of the city of Plovdiv as part of the ECOC programme. ADATA AiR is a production of Plovdiv 2019 Foundation, realized in partnership with the Goethe-Institut Bulgaria and the Polish Institute in Sofia.


FB page: https:/

The artist-in-residence programme ADATA AiR is an official member of the Res Artis, Worldwide Network of Artist Residencies.

Temporary installation in public space will transform the Maritsa riverbanks



General partners

EU Japan Fest
Pod tepeto

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