Plovdiv Karavana - open-air artistic camps
No less than 200 artists, technicians and art rapporteurs will come to share their art in the most ancient continually-inhabited European city. They will set up 3 large artistic camps
15 artistic companies
15 artistic companies from Belgium, France, Italy and Switzerland - CITI - INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR TRAVELLING THEATERS - are setting off on European roads by foot, horses, bicycles or trucks to meet in Plovdiv – European Capital of culture – in June 2019 from 1-st to 10-th.
In their luggage they carry
Theater, dance, music, circus, street art, games, poetry, shows, parades and workshops. This convergence is an opportunity to meet the other and explore new artistic fields. At this time of a faster and faster trade in goods and money, while populist discourses are using social network’s speed, it is crucial to restore artistic creation as an essential instrument to build together.
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The artistic companies, part of Plovdiv Karavana: Ambulans ThéâTre / Arts Nomades / Babel - Gum / Bronca / Entre Deux Averses / La Famille Walili / La Compagnie Des Nouveaux Disparus / Le Cabaret des Oiseaux / Théâtre des Chemins / Les arTpenteurs / Maraudeurs Et Compagnie / Teatro Nucleo / Tralala Splatch.