Art for a green future

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

Улица Станционна 2024

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

On The Other Side

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

Kapana Creative District

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

The Tobacco City

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

Smoke. Tobacco Stories

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

Urban Games

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

Kosmos Cinema

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

ABC’s of Polish Design

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams


Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

From A(art) to Z(ze phenomenon): Creative Quarters in Bulgaria

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

Know-How Show-How – An International Academy for Creative Thinking and Design Processes

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

Borderline Offensive: Laughing in the Face of Fear

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

Street Masters

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

For Whom The Bell Tolls?

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

Plovdiv by Senses

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

The Cicadas

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

Photo Exhibition "Matera - Nuance"

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

International Painting Plein Air in Plovdiv

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

Sergei Borisov and the Soviet Artistic Underground. Attempted Reconstruction.

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

Talyana Weekends

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

Being Alyosha

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

Invisible Cities: Practical Studies in Public Art

Platform Transform
Cluster Urban Dreams

Urban Dreams - Cluster from the Transform Platform in the programme of Plovdiv 2019

Through artistic intervention, the project cluster Urban Dreams aims to revitalize and open up dysfunctional spaces, buildings and objects as parts of a “parallel abandoned city”. Abandoned buildings from the recent past, some of them prominent architectural achievements (e.g. tobacco warehouses, Bratska Mogila monument, Kosmos Cinema, Kapana Creative District) will become spaces for cultural activity and social interaction.

For the projects in this cluster, we are working with local and international partners and artists in order to exchange know-how and best practices.



General partners

EU Japan Fest
Pod tepeto

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